New Please be informed that the The last date for submission of Quarterly Update of Registered Real Estate Projects is hereby extended tillĀ 28.02.2025 as per the order enclosed herewith. Click here to view the order ;  All promoters are directed to comply with the order of WBRERA vide no. 1986-RERA/L-01/2023 dated 06.12.2024 regarding Quarterly Update of Registered Projects and other instructions mentioned in the said order. Click here to view the order

Agent Details


Surendranath Banerjee

Father's Name: Chandra Nath Banerjee
Occupation: Self Employed
Contact Information
Street Address: Punabad Plot, GopalmathDist-West Burdwan
Block/Municipality: Durgapur Municipal Corporation     District: Paschim Bardhaman     Pincode: 713217
Agent Type: Individual

Other Details:
Father's Name: Chandra Nath Banerjee
Permanent Address:
Punabad Plot, Gopalmath , Dist-West Burdwan

Agent's Certificates

Sl No. File Description Download
1 WBRERA Registration Certificate

Agent Documents

Sl No. partner Name Download
1 Photograph of the real estate agent if it is an individual and the photograph of the partners, directors etc. in case of other entities;
2 Authenticated copy of the PAN card;
3 Income tax returns filed under the provisions of the Income Tax Act, 1961 for three financial years preceding the application or in case the applicant was exempted from filing returns under the provisions of the Income Tax Act, 1961 for any of the three year preceding the application, a declaration to such effect;
4 Authenticated copy of the address proof of the place of business;
5 Any other information and documents, as may be specified by regulations.